Completely by Professionals

We provide trained and certified interpreters for medical appointments, court cases, insurance statements, wiretaps, social service visits, mental health assessments, criminal line-ups, industrial site tours. These are just some of the many types of requests we have provided onsite interpreters for. We match interpreter specialization and certification with the customer industry. If you are a healthcare provider making an interpreter request you will only be scheduled with a certified medical interpreter, etc.

Reminder Email

In order to reduce clients no-show and provide specific instructions we make reminder email 24-48 hrs before each scheduled appointment. We verify that the client understands the time and location of the appointment and that an interpreter will be present. If we learn that a client can’t make it to a scheduled appointment we immediately notify our customer.

Service Availability

Our onsite interpreters are available 24/7/365. You can book interpreters by phone or online. We appreciate your advance requests and usually we have an interpreter at your location.

Specific Interpreter Request

If you have a particular Interpreter you would like matched with a client, please include his or her name or interpreter ID number when placing your request. We will attempt to match that interpreter to your assignment first. You will be notified if your requested interpreter is not available.

Interpreter Confirmation

If you have a particular Interpreter you would like matched with a client, please include his or her name or interpreter ID number when placing your request. We will attempt to match that interpreter to your assignment first. You will be notified if your requested interpreter is not available.

Rescheduling Appointments

If required, we help our customers to schedule and/or re-schedule appointments with non-English speaking clients. Many of our customers use our third party calling capabilities. Once the desired party is reached we make a call back to the customer and conference in all parties on the line, including our interpreter.

Policies and Procedures for On-site Interpreters

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